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  • If possible, do NOT take blood thinners 5-7 days before the cosmetic procedure to prevent bleeding. Non-aspirin pain relievers may be taken up to one hour prior to the procedure, if needed.
  • Do NOT take/drink anything with caffeine within the 24 hours of the procedure.
  • IMPORTANT: do NOT discontinue any medications that are prescribed by a physician or which are necessary for your health. If necessary, please consult with your physician if this procedure is right for you.
  • Avoid alcohol 24 hours prior to the procedure to prevent bleeding. 
  • If you have a condition that requires you to take antibiotics before a dental visit, you MUST check with your doctor to determine if antibiotics are needed for permanent cosmetics.
  • Hair removal may be done 24 hours prior to your procedure (e.g. tweezing, waxing, etc). Permanent hair removal should NOT be done 5 days before or after the procedure.
  • Botox® and skin plumping injections such as Restylane® may alter the shape of permanent cosmetics. You MUST wait until these treatments have worn off (usually 6 months).
  • Skin treatments such as Retin-A that thin the skin in the procedure area must be discontinued for at least 30 days prior to the procedure. Check with your dermatologist about specific medications. 
  • Accutane users must be off of accurate for at least one year.
  • Procedures cannot be performed over fresh sunburns, including those caused by tanning beds. You must wait until the burn heals before any cosmetic procedures.
  • Patch testing of pigment is recommended before the full procedure.
  • You may or may not be allowed to give blood for 1 year following your procedure depending on your state, see your donation specialist for details. 
Before the procedure your brow artist will go over the consent form and health history. She will talk about your lifestyle, brow goals and what color you choose to fill in your natural brows. Your artist will be assessing multiple factors regarding the interview questions you've answered to determine the best shape, color, and so forth. She will then map out and do a pre-draw brow shape for you. This process takes time and patience because you can't rush perfection! As soon as you agree on the final shape, your artist will let you know when she is ready to start the procedure.
She will start with the outline of your brows and a topical anesthetic is applied right after to ensure you feel as little discomfort as possible for shading.  Your brows should be numb during the powder-shading process and shouldn't hurt, if anything there would be pressure which is normal and some clients even fall asleep during the process! After the procedure, you are given a topical ointment with instructions. Please see below for Post-Treatment instructions. 
*Your artist will be taking before and after photos
  • ​​Apply a small rice size amount of A&D ointment (or what technician provided) â€‹sparingly twice a day for one week. It is important to NOT use your fingertips, using a clean cotton swab each time to prevent infection and to minimize crusting. Apply a thin layer to prevent excessive dryness, NO DOUBLE DIPPING!

  • Stay out of the sun. If you must be outside, wear a hat and sunscreen.

  • Darker skin clients may or may not hyperpigmentation (turn 2-3 shades darker) during healing. This effect may take 6-8 weeks to develop if occurs, therefore for darker skin please wait 6-8 weeks between appointments, even if the brows appear to be too light or even disappear. They can initially appear light and then turn darker/reappear during the healing process. Darker colors may be used at a followup if hyperpigmentation does not occur. 

  • Ice may be applied the first day following the procedure for 10-15 minutes per hour for a couple of hours, use clean tissue to cover the ice bag each time.

  • Avoid exercise that causes sweating for 5-7 days.

  • Avoid contact with water (bathing, pools, etc.) for 24 hours; afterwards you may gently clean the area with mild soap and water as needed. Avoid water in the procedure area as much as possible until the area is healed. 

  • Avoid makeup, lash, brow tints, and other facial treatments until the procedure heals (5-7 days). Very gentle face washes and treatment are acceptable after 24 hours as long as the procedure area is avoided. 

  • Avoid gardening and contact with animals for 2 weeks following the procedure to prevent infection.

  • Avoid any clothing that may irritate the procedure area.

  • Your permanent cosmetics will begin to turn darker immediately and for the next 3-4 days. After this, the color will settle back to the original color you chose. 

  • It is normal for some people to have pigment scab or flake off. It is normal if it does not. Fading or loss of pigment may occur during healing. There should be pigment under the skin where the pigment has flaked off. If there is no pigment underneath, you may need a touchup.

  • Over the next 2-3 weeks, the color may lighten up by 50%.

  • Pigment may come off on your pillow while you sleep, and may stain linens. Use a clean cover that you won't mind staining in the mean time until the procedure area is healed. 

  • Symptoms of infection or adverse reaction may or may not occur. They include: excessive redness, swelling, tenderness, of the procedure site, elevated body temperature, rash, or purulent drainage from procedure site. If you experience symptoms of infection or adverse reaction, seek medical attention immediately. Please note that some redness, swelling. and tenderness is normal. 




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